Atualizado há 5 dias
How do the Power Embedded savings work?
How many users does Power Embedded benefit my company?
Does Microsoft allow the use of Power Embedded? Is it really allowed?
What do I need to use Power Embedded?
Is it possible to test or PoC Power Embedded?
Do I need to use the Power Tuning portal? Can't I use Microsoft's?
How long will it take to get Power Embedded in my company?
Will my users be able to access the reports using mobile devices?
How much does Power Embedded cost?
Can I use Power BI Pro or Premium per User to Embed?
Do I still need a Power BI Pro license, even with Embedded?
Can't I share the reports without paying for a license?
Fabric? Power BI Embedded? What are these capabilities?
While capacity is paused, no one can access the reports?
What are 24x7, 14x6 and 12x5?
My company already has Power BI Premium. Do I need to purchase Embedded?
UA competitor was able to get a much lower Embedded price.
I don't have an Azure account to contract the capacity.
How does Power Embedded work internally?
Power Embedded's internal security
Privacy controls and LGPD
Differences between Embedded, “Publish to Web” and “Insert Report”
Report publishing process
System updates
System customizations