I don't have an Azure account to contract the capacity
No problem, we can help you contract the capacity.
Before we schedule the installation of the system, we'll help you create an Azure account, which is necessary for contracting Embedded or Fabric capacity.
Power Tuning is a Microsoft partner and, if you don't have a partner yet, or if you want to switch to Power, we'll help you through the whole process, free of charge.
Having a partner instead of contracting directly with Microsoft is very important and brings a series of advantages that are very beneficial for your company.
Contracting Azure services directly with Microsoft (WITHOUT a partner)
You will pay by credit card, which already generates an EXTRA charge of 6.38% IOF on the total amount of your Azure invoice.
You pay in dollars or you can pay in Brazilian real (at a rate well above the commercial dollar).
You will not receive an invoice for the amount paid for Azure.
You will have to collect all taxes manually, such as ICMS, PIS and COFINS.
N1 technical support takes days and Premier costs over 1.000 USD per month.
Contracting Azure services with Power Tuning as your Microsoft partner
You will pay the invoice via boleto, with all taxes already collected and without paying IOF.
You will receive an invoice for the amount paid for Azure.
24×7 technical support from our Cloud team and, if necessary, Premier support from Microsoft's engineering team.
Cheaper licenses: Do you need a Power BI, Windows, SQL Server or Office license? We'll try to get you the lowest possible price for any Microsoft license you need for your company. The Power BI Pro license on Microsoft's website is R$65.00 per user, while we can get it for R$55.00 (quotes may vary).
Cost analysis tool: Our internal system analyzes your average hourly cost, and any deviation in the average daily and projected cost will generate an alert for us to contact you to check whether the increase is something planned or not.
Cost reduction analysis tool: Our internal system is constantly analyzing the resources created to see if there is a possibility of reducing costs, such as underused virtual machines, virtual machines that don't have a reserved instance (savings of up to 70%), unused resources, disks not associated with VMs and MUCH more.
Intrusion detection tool: Any resource created outside existing standards, such as sizes and regions, will generate an alert and we will contact your company.
All these services and tools we offer for FREE.
Would you like to have Power Tuning as your Microsoft partner?
Click here to register Power Tuning as your cloud / Microsoft partner.