How many users does Power Embedded benefit my company from?
To estimate how many users Power Embedded is cheaper than your current license, we need some information about your environment and the type of licensing you currently use.
Our support team collects information on your environment to assess in advance how our solution can achieve the maximum possible savings without losing performance, in a personalized and individual analysis for each client.
For Power BI Pro licenses, and in companies where the report does not need to be available 24 hours a day, from 15 users you can already save 50% compared to the cost of Pro licenses. If you use a Premium Per User (PPU) license, you can save up to 76%.
If you have an environment with several large reports (over 200 MB), Fabric F2 capacity may not be enough and you may need to use a larger capacity. This is assessed and discussed during the capacity analysis.
In this scenario, from 30 users you will already be saving by using Power Embedded, and the greater the number of users, the greater the savings compared to your current license.
The table below can help you visualize the scenarios when Power Embedded is more advantageous.