Dedicated capacities
1. Fabric? Power BI Embedded? What are these capabilities?
Capabilities are Power BI resources that license the Power Embedded solution from Microsoft and allow you to use the API's, legally and unlimitedly, to insert the reports published in the system and not need a license to view the reports.
Without a contracted capacity, using a Pro or PPU account, you have a limited number of tokens for inserting reports. After a while, this limit is reached and Power BI no longer allows you to insert reports and Power Embedded would stop working. For this reason, it is mandatory to have a contracted capacity in order to use Power Embedded.
Types of capacity (all are supported by Power Embedded):
Fabric: Newer, more flexible, more features and can start cheaper.
Power BI Embedded: More stable, reliable and can be cheaper on a pay-as-you-go basis, depending on region and size.
Premium by Capacity: Capacity that has been discontinued and the initial cost is R$ 32.000,00 per month.
Capacities are contracted directly with Microsoft (or a partner) through Azure.
Having a capacity is a requirement for Power Embedded to work.
Microsoft offers a 60-day free trial period for Fabric.
2. While capacity is paused, no one can access the reports?
While capacity is paused, no one can access the reports, not even through with a Pro or PPU account. Nor will the data sets be updated.
A huge advantage of Power Embedded
The Power Embedded system already has a mechanism that allows you to define the times when the resource will always be active and the system itself pauses and starts the capacity automatically.
When the resource is paused and a user tries to access a report, the system will automatically start the capacity to allow the user to access the report even outside the defined times and will monitor whether the reports are still being accessed.
When Power Embedded identifies that no more users have been accessing the reports for more than X minutes (time determined by the administrator), the system will automatically pause the capacity again in order to resume saving with the paused resource.
3. What are 24x7, 14x6 and 12x5?
The charges for Power BI Embedded and Fabric are calculated per hour that the capacity is on and these hours are added up at the end of the billing to generate the amount you will pay for the month.
Both allow you to pause the capacity and thus avoid being charged for the times when the resource was paused, further increasing the savings with Power Embedded.
These acronyms, 24×7, mean that the system will be available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, i.e. it will always be on, without being paused at any time.
For most clients, the 14×6 scenario meets the needs of users, where reports would be available 14 hours a day, for 6 days a week (Mon-Sat). This option represents a saving of 53% compared to 24×7.
In some scenarios, the 12×5 scenario meets users' needs, where reports would be available 12h a day, for 5 days a week (Mon-Fri). This option represents a saving of 67% compared to 24×7.
These acronyms 24×7, 14×6 and 12×5 are just a few examples of options for automatically pausing and starting capacities, and these times and schedules will be defined according to each client's scenario.
It's worth remembering that when Fabric or Embedded capacity is paused, in order to save costs, the reports won't be accessible, even if you access them via the portal using a Pro account (unless you change the Workspace type back to Pro).
4. My company already has Power BI Premium. Do I need to purchase Embedded?
If your company already has Power BI Premium (by capacity), your users can access the reports that are published on the Power BI portal itself ( without needing a license to view them.
If you still want to embed the reports in a Sharepoint, application or website, from tier P1 you can already use the Embedded capabilities of the Premium license, as the Premium capability already includes Power BI Embedded.
The Premium capabilities (tier P) have been discontinued and replaced by Fabric.
5. A competitor was able to get a much lower Embedded price
As we work with Microsoft's official prices, it's not possible to get a lower price, since we don't have any profit margin on the capacity, and we even contract the capacity directly through the Azure portal, with the customer following the entire process.
There are various ways of trying to circumvent Microsoft's correct and official processes to try to lower the price of the license, such as using Pro/PPU accounts instead of hiring dedicated capacity and using some techniques to deal with expired tokens, but as already mentioned in a topic above, this is illegal and violates Microsoft's contract and, for this reason, we do not agree with this type of practice, even if it means losing some customers who choose this path.
Another way to reduce the value of Embedded is to allocate several clients to the same capacity, which we also don't agree with because it doesn't deliver controlled, stable and optimized performance according to our quality standards.
6. I don't have an Azure account to contract the capacity
No problem, we can help you contract the capacity.
Before we schedule the installation of the system, we'll help you create an Azure account, which is necessary for contracting Embedded or Fabric capacity.
Power Tuning is a Microsoft partner and, if you don't have a partner yet, or if you want to switch to Power, we'll help you through the whole process, free of charge.
Having a partner instead of contracting directly with Microsoft is very important and brings a series of advantages that are very beneficial for your company.
Contracting Azure services directly with Microsoft (WITHOUT a partner)
You will pay by credit card, which already generates an EXTRA charge of 6.38% IOF on the total amount of your Azure invoice.
You pay in dollars or you can pay in Brazilian real (at a rate well above the commercial dollar).
You will not receive an invoice for the amount paid for Azure.
You will have to collect all taxes manually, such as ICMS, PIS and COFINS.
N1 technical support takes days and Premier costs over 1.000 USD per month.
Contracting Azure services with Power Tuning as your Microsoft partner
You will pay the invoice via boleto, with all taxes already collected and without paying IOF.
You will receive an invoice for the amount paid for Azure.
24×7 technical support from our Cloud team and, if necessary, Premier support from Microsoft's engineering team.
Cheaper licenses: Do you need a Power BI, Windows, SQL Server or Office license? We'll try to get you the lowest possible price for any Microsoft license you need for your company. The Power BI Pro license on Microsoft's website is R$65.00 per user, while we can get it for R$55.00 (quotes may vary).
Cost analysis tool: Our internal system analyzes your average hourly cost, and any deviation in the average daily and projected cost will generate an alert for us to contact you to check whether the increase is something planned or not.
Cost reduction analysis tool: Our internal system is constantly analyzing the resources created to see if there is a possibility of reducing costs, such as underused virtual machines, virtual machines that don't have a reserved instance (savings of up to 70%), unused resources, disks not associated with VMs and MUCH more.
Intrusion detection tool: Any resource created outside existing standards, such as sizes and regions, will generate an alert and we will contact your company.
All these services and tools we offer for FREE.
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