Can I use Power BI Pro or Premium per User to Embed?
Yes, it is possible to generate tokens for Embed reports in a Pro or Premium Per User capacity, but according to Microsoft's official documentation:
“Tokens embedded with a Pro or Premium Per User (PPU) license are intended for development testing, so a Power BI Master or Service Principal account can only generate a limited number of tokens.
Purchase a capacity for incorporation into a production environment. There is no limit to how many embedded tokens you can generate when you purchase a capacity.
In development tests, you can use free embedded evaluation tokens with a Pro license. To embed in a production environment, you must purchase a capacity.
The Power BI Embedded questions and answers page reaffirms that Pro accounts cannot be used for Embedded solutions in production:
“Tokens inserted with a Pro or PPU (Premium Per User) license are intended for development testing, so a Power BI master account or service entity can only generate a limited number of tokens. Purchase a capacity to insert in a production environment. There is no limit to the number of inserted tokens you can generate when you buy a capacity. In development tests, you can use free insert evaluation tokens with a Pro license. To make an insert in a production environment, you must purchase a capacity.”
The page Power BI usage scenarios: insert for customers - Power BI | Microsoft Learn also reinforces that the use of a capability is mandatory in order to use Embedded technologies.
In addition, the content that will be shown in the application MUST NOT be in a personal workspace.
If you are using a platform that uses a Pro account to generate report insertion tokens, without using a capability to do so, you are probably violating Power BI's terms of use and your company could face fines and sanctions from Microsoft.