Report signature
To set up the report signature, simply open the report you want to create the signature for and go to File > Sign report.
The report subscription feature allows the user to create an automation to send the report by e-mail to a specific recipient.
To set up this automation, follow the steps below:
Name the signature: Choose a name to identify the signature.
Subject: Define the subject of the email, as in the example “Demo 01 - Test”.
Message: Write the message that will be included in the body of the email.
Recipient: Enter the e-mail address of the user who will receive the report.
Choose a format: Select the format of the report, either PDF or PPT (Microsoft PowerPoint).
Schedule date: Fill in the start and end date, defining the period during which the email will be sent.
Recurrence: Set how often the recipient will receive the email: daily, weekly, monthly or just once.
Schedule time: Set the hour and minute at which the email will be sent, as in the example set for 8:00 am.
Once the configuration is complete, save the subscription. You must enable the subscription flag, as shown in the image below.
The user can create more than one signature, making it easier to manage different reports and recipients. Once configured, the recipient will receive an email attachment of the report in the selected format (PDF, PPT).
For each user, the system will generate a different file to ensure that the RLS is applied individually to each person, i.e. the user will receive a PDF with only the data they can view.
This feature guarantees the security of the information in the report, so that one user doesn't see another user's data