Fabric? Power BI Embedded? What are these capabilities?

Capabilities are Power BI resources that license the Power Embedded solution from Microsoft and allow you to use the API's, legally and unlimitedly, to insert the reports published in the system and not need a license to view the reports.

Without a contracted capacity, using a Pro or PPU account, you have a limited number of tokens for inserting reports. After a while, this limit is reached and Power BI no longer allows you to insert reports and Power Embedded would stop working. For this reason, it is mandatory to have a contracted capacity in order to use Power Embedded.

Types of capacity (all are supported by Power Embedded):

  • Fabric: Newer, more flexible, more features and can start cheaper.

  • Power BI Embedded: More stable, reliable and can be cheaper on a pay-as-you-go basis, depending on region and size.

  • Premium by Capacity: Capacity that has been discontinued and the initial cost is R$ 32.000,00 per month.


  • Capacities are contracted directly with Microsoft (or a partner) through Azure.

  • Having a capacity is a requirement for Power Embedded to work.

  • Microsoft offers a 60-day free trial period for Fabric.
