Every time the system turns a capacity on or off—whether manually, through scheduling, on demand, or due to inactivity—a record of the activity is stored.
The record includes information about the date and time of the event (log in/log out), the affected capacity, and the user who performed the action..
This audit feature uniquely maps users who frequently access the system outside of pre-defined operating hours, potentially increasing capacity costs.
For more information on configuring capacity, visit the Capacities page. Capacidade.
Manually Started / Manually Paused This action occurs when a user clicks the on/off button. The log records the user who performed the action (clicked the button) and the date/time of the event.
Started by Demand / Suspended Due to Inactivity This occurs when the capacity is turned off, and a user accesses a report, automatically activating the capacity due to the user’s actio The system records which user triggered this action (accessing the system after hours) and the date/time of the event. If the system shuts down automatically due to inactivity, the event is recorded as "Paused Due to Inactivity."
Started by Schedule / Paused by Schedule This action happens when a schedule is created to automatically turn the capacity on or off. Example: If the capacity is scheduled to turn on at 7:00 AM, the event will be described as "Started by Schedule," and if the schedule is configured to turn off at 8:00 PM, the generated event will be "Paused by Schedule. Observation: If users are still accessing the system at 8:00 PM, it will not shut down at this time. Instead, it will start checking for inactivity from the defined time (capacity configuration). If the capacity is suspended due to inactivity, the event will be recorded as "Paused Due to Inactivity."
Capacity audit logs can be exported as CSV or Excel files for more detailed analysis.
It is possible to apply filters for user, capacities, actions, and date/time to obtain information about who is accessing outside business hours, among other specifications.