Filtering reports using query parameters in the URL
When you open a Power BI report, each report page has its own unique URL. To filter that report page, you can use the "Filters" panel on the report screen. Another option is to add query parameters to the URL to filter the report. Perhaps you have a report that you would like to show to colleagues, but first you want to filter it before sending it to them. One way to filter this is to start with the report's default URL and add filter parameters to the URL.
Just as the Power BI service supports URL parâmetros de URL para filtrar os dados, Power Embedded now also supports the same parameters for filtering report data.
Report URL?filter=Tabela/Coluna eq 'valor'
Exemplo: eq ''
To see more information about the types of filters supported, how to filter using multiple values and multiple fields, go to the page Filtrar relatórios usando parâmetros da cadeia de caracteres de consulta na URL.
Table and Field names are case-sensitive, value names are not;
Fileds hidden in the report display can still be filtered.
For this feature to work, the column, that will be used to filter the data must be available in the report´s filter side painel.