Folders in the portal enable multi-level organization of reports, allowing the creation of folders and subfolders. This means you can establish a hierarchy of folders with "N" levels, where one folder can contain other folders.
This approach enhances information organization, making it easier to manage and govern.
Folders do not have permissions: You cannot directly set access permissions for a folder. Permissions are defined at the report level, and users will only see folders containing reports they have access to.
If a user does not have access to any report within a folder, that folder will remain invisible to them.
Click the "Create Folder" button and follow these steps:
Folder Name: Define a name for the new folder.
Reports: Select the reports you want to include in the folder.
On the right-hand side, the path is indicated with a "-", which means the report is in the root directory. When users access the viewing portal, if they have permission for the report, they will immediately see the folders and reports in the root.
If the path does not include "-", it indicates that the report belongs to a specific folder.
Reports exist in only one folder and are not duplicated. If you select multiple reports for a new folder, they will be moved from the root directory to the folder you are creating.
This screen allows you to define the parent/child hierarchy between folders.
The screen below shows a folder named “With Screenshot.” This folder is a root folder, meaning it is not inside any other folder and is part of the main structure.
If I want to move the folder “With Screenshot” into the folder “Demonstration,” I simply need to open the edit screen for the "With Screenshot" folder, click on the destination folder, and the “With Screenshot” folder along with all its subfolders and reports will be moved into the “Demonstration” folder.
This entity audit logs a complete history of all changes, creations, and deletions performed by a user on the folder.