Integrated Microsoft, Google and user/password authentication
We currently offer three authentication methods: Microsoft, Google and User and Password. In the Power Embedded administration portal, you can define which login methods will be enabled for your company, ensuring greater flexibility and control.
When using Microsoft authentication, you will be redirected to the Azure login page, where you must sign in with your Microsoft account. If your account is already connected to the device, you will be logged in automatically, without having to enter your password. If MFA is configured and enabled, you will be prompted as normal during the process.
Authentication via Google works in a similar way to Microsoft. You will be asked to log in and then redirected to fill in your credentials. If MFA is enabled, it will be required as normal during the process.
This method is ideal for users who don't have a Microsoft account, aren't linked to an Azure AD domain or don't have a Google account.
For example, if the user has an email from services such as Yahoo, BOL, among others, it is possible to create a specific username and password for them. The employee will then be able to access the portal using these personalized credentials.