Audit Tab in Power Pilot
The audit tab in Power Pilot provides a detailed view of assistant usage. It allows identifying the models and users involved, as well as tracking the input and output tokens generated in each interaction. The estimated cost of token consumption is also available for review.
The accuracy of the information depends on correctly filling out the token cost fields during model creation. The values presented are approximate estimates.
In Power Embedded, token consumption can be identified in the "Type" column based on the source::
Peports Portal
Each interaction with the assistant consumes tokens. These tokens are basic units representing words, parts of words, characters, or symbols used in information processing
In the audit, tokens are divided into two categories:
Input Tokens: Generated by user questions and during the processing of responses (more complex responses require more tokens).
Output Tokens: Used in the final response delivered by the assistant.
The audit tab allows monitoring token consumption by model and identifying the users who use AI the most. It also enables estimating the total cost related to token usage.
To facilitate analysis, filters are available by assistant, model, user, or type of consumption.
The data can be exported to CSV or Excel for more detailed analysis.